
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 66 - mardi

5 avril 2011

            This morning Michele prepared an Italian Lemon Pie. The process is similar to ours, except that the pudding is cooked in a double boiler and the meringue is sweetened with sugar-water syrup. We had the first taste at lunchtime. It was delicious! I may have to try this method when I get home.
            School was a challenge. I’m glad when we have review sessions – today the Imperfect and Conditional tenses - but not when I am struggling to remember the patterns – ah, French verbs are so much fun. Also, the class gained several new people; they are from Switzerland and England. It will take a few days to determine the level of the group. Again, I think I will need to climb the ladder to catch up with them. This is good, but today it didn’t feel comfortable. It hit me that everyone with whom I started has now departed. With three more weeks left, it’s important to seek out new friends.
            After school and tea with Michele, I walked to the train station to buy my  ticket to Luxembourg. I will depart Nice around 8 pm on (Good) Friday, April 22 and arrive in Luxembourg City about 9:20 am (Holy) Saturday morning. I will have a sleeper car and it is a direct train so there’s no need to change trains.
            Later in the evening, Michele and I watched a show that she declared “really bad.” Despite this, or maybe because of it, I could catch more of the dialogue because it was simple and slow and “really bad.” After sticking with it for over an hour without commercial breaks (because in France after 8 pm there are no commercials), it is nearly 10 pm and my eyes and ears have had enough for one day, so I am going off to bed.
            May you have good adventures today, Dear Reader.

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